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Frequent questions

Pets are allowed?

It depends on the pet. It is important that you write us before by whatsapp to 3168325731 and inform us of the age, sex and breed of the pet. As it is a nature reserve, we are very careful with hunting dog breeds. The pet must always be tied up and the room will be checked when checking out. The only rooms that can be booked with a pet are the house in the forest, tree house and house in the garden because they have a balcony.

How do I get there from Santa Marta?

You can arrive with public transport, your own car or hired car. The most important thing is that it is a 4x4, since the road is very bad in some sectors. During the rainy season we recommend arriving and leaving before noon. 

More information click here:Transportation

Can I pay with card?

We accept several types of payment: credit card, debit card, national and international bank transfer. You can also pay by PayPal and cash.

What does the room reservation include?

When reserving a room through the website you have included the entrance to the biological reserve. You can make use of the facilities and its meditation house. You have filtered river water and coffee during your stay. Only the reservations of the private rooms through the website include the simple breakfast.

Can I go with children?

Minors can only enter in the company of their father or mother. It is important to follow the rules that exist in the reserve for the stay of minors, since it is a space with a lot of nature, wells and some cliffs. Minors should never be without adult supervision. 

Is the reserve far from the sea?

We are between 1 hour and hour  and a half from the sea. If you have in mind to do a beach walk, we recommend contacting us first on whatsapp 3168325731 or and we will help you organize the walk after making the reservation.

How is the food?

We do not have a shared kitchen, but we do have a restaurant. The food in the reserve is vegetarian, vegan, free range chicken or fish from our own production. We have a set menu that accommodates diets and food allergies. Our food is healthy and dinners are always vegetarian/  vegan. We make an exception when we prepare dinners for children who are not used to vegetarian food. Please notify in advance.

Do they do discounts?

Depending on the season, we handle different types of promotions that we publish on the website and our social media. We can make discounts for accommodations of more than 4 nights, depending on the dates selected. In that case, please write to

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